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Development Environment / Command Line

The following information explains how to open a command line tool on different operating systems. Many development tasks are performed using a command line environment.

Operating System Step Description
windows Git for Windows Install Git for Windows to use Git Bash (optional).
windowscygwin Cygwin Install Cygwin on Windows if using Cygwin environment (optional).
Operating System Instructions Description
windows See below: Command Prompt on Windows Open a command prompt on Windows.
windows See below: Git Bash on Windows Open a Git Bash shell on Windows.
cygwin See below: Terminal on Cygwin Open a terminal on Cygwin.
linux See below: Terminal on Linux Open a terminal on Linux.

windows Command Prompt on Windows

The Windows cmd program provides access to the Windows command line using a Command Prompt window. Note that Windows also provides PowerShell; however, PowerShell is intended for system administration tasks and most development tools rely on the command prompt shell. The default in Windows 10 is to list PowerShell when right-clicking on Windows Start.

Use one of the following ways to open a command prompt window:

  1. Click on the Windows icon in the lower left of the task bar. In the search area, type command or cmd. Select Command Prompt to run the cmd program. Once it is run a few times, the application should show up in favorite applications in the Start menu.


    Starting the Windows Command Prompt cmd Program from the Start Menu

  2. Use the Windows+r keys, which will show the Run tool. Then enter cmd as the program to run. Press OK to confirm.


    Starting the Windows Command Prompt cmd Program from Run Tool

A cmd window will then start, as shown below. The default prompt is the current folder. Windows built-in commands and program names can be typed on the command line. If the folder of the software is found in the PATH environment variable, the software will run. Otherwise, the path to the program needs to be entered at the command prompt (or cd to the folder where the software exists and enter the program name). See also the cmd program documentation.


Command Prompt Window for cmd Program

A normal cmd session can be used most programming activities. However, if administrator privileges are required, for example to install software, then run the cmd program as administrator by right-clicking on the program name, as shown below.


Starting a Command Prompt Window as Administrator

A prompt for the administrator password will be shown and the opened Command Prompt window title bar displays as Administrator Command Prompt. Note that the initial folder is the location of Windows system files. It is recommended to only use administrator privileges as needed and close the window as soon as adminstrator tasks are complete.


Command Prompt Window for cmd Program as Administrator

windowsgitbash Git Bash on Windows

If the Git software is installed on Windows, then a Linux-like command line shell can be started by using the Start / Git / Git Bash menu item. A window similar to the following will be shown. Git Bash uses the MinGW software to provide Linux features on Windows and also provides access to Windows programs, including adding the Windows PATH folders to the Git Bash PATH environment variable. Note that the home folder for Git Bash is the same as Windows but must be accessed using /c/Users/user, where user is the specific user.


Command Prompt (bash shell) for Git Bash

cygwin Terminal on Cygwin

If the Cygwin software is installed on Windows, then a Linux-like command line shell can be started by using the Start / Cygwin / Cygwin64 Terminal menu item. A window similar to the following will be shown. Cygwin software provides Linux features on Windows and also provides access to Windows programs by adding Windows PATH folders to the Cygwin PATH environment variable. Note that the home folder for Cygwin (/home/user) is NOT same as Windows and therefore the user's Windows files must be accessed using /cygdrive/c/Users/user folder, where user is the specific user.


Command Prompt (bash shell) for Git Bash

windows Terminal on Linux

A terminal window is typically opended on Linux using the Applications menu or similar. The Bash shell is typical, although other shells might be used to provide a command prompt.